By Wayne Madsen:
The past decade has seen the use of crude forgeries to propel the United States into a war in Iraq (the bogus Niger "yellow cake" uranium documents) and to try to indict various U.S. and foreign politicians and businessmen (the fake Iraq Oil Ministry "Oil-for-Food" documents). The Obama forged Certificate of Live Birth represents yet another attempt to perpetuate a fraud on a grand scale.
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By General Mirza Aslam Beg There are two issues, which are the main cause of strained relations between Pakistan and the United States of America. One is, the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), trying to reclaim its territory lost to CIA during the past regime and the second is the Taliban, who have won the war [...]
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By Yvonne Ridley From Benghazi Just a few weeks ago I stood on a public platform and vigorously slammed proposals for Western military intervention in Libya. The hasty scramble by the Americans, French and Brits lacked strategy and a clear goal. To me it appeared to be yet another oil-fuelled, reckless act by gung-ho leaders [...]
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Shaheen is a born flier high and above the rest, to dive and strike is its favourite sport. By S. M. Hali In an era of sophistication and state-of-the-art technology, Indian Air Force (IAF), which enjoyed an edge over its adversary, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in numbers as well as hi-tech aircraft is gradually [...]
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By Dr. Haider Mehdi "…(what) the party inside this wall didn't understand was that the government was always intractable, no matter what the country, what the circumstances. The government did not give in and when they said they were giving in, they were lying, every time, you could count on it." from the novel Bel [...]
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Dead End Gang Leader Robs Pillages U.S. Labor in Broad Daylight
Posted on 29. Apr, 2011 by Tommy Tucci.

By Tommy Tucci:
Dead end gang leader and head spokesman Mr. Bernanke strikes again robbing labor, pilfering old lady's purses, and controlling futures, contracts and prices in broad daylight. Hiding behind a Princeton University veneer of accomplishment reciting a choreographed cryptic speech parroting 20th Century inert calculus solving insurmountable 21st Century problems. A global organized crime syndicate hoax, that this current leader of a supreme dead end gang, manufactured over the span of a century. Every scheduled effort to conceal this global banking hoax exponentially increases its final collapse.
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By S M Hali:
The selective leaks reveal recommendations to interrogators at Guantánamo Bay to rank the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) alongside Al-Qaida, Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon as threats. Being linked to any of these groups is an indication of terrorist or insurgent activity, the documents say.
Raja G Mujtaba
O.M. Center For Policy Studies
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