By Bill Van Auken:
The report further exposes the lies told by the Obama administration. The US president has publicly assured the American people that there will be no "boots on the ground" in Libya, and that arming the "rebels" is something that has neither been ruled in or out. It is now evident that both have already taken place as Washington escalates the predatory war.
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By Tommy Tucci:
Repeating the miserable death and destruction of 19th and 20th Century humanity by paranoid emotional ejaculations and self destruction. The continuation of illegal syndication, cartels, monopolies and wars are ratcheting up the irradiation of the entire planet with radioactivity toxins and poisons. "All levels of radiation is known to cause cancer. No amount of radiation is Safe" Posted by nirs.org. The dysfunctional methodology is blindsiding all rational reality of the great impending consequences. They are going to need more than the fictional phony alibi a/k/a James Allan Kahn to get through the 21st Century.
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By Sajjad Shaukat:
Realistically speaking, recent meetings between Pakistan and India would not produce any breakthrough or positive result unless New Delhi abandons its deliberate delaying tactics, and determines to reduce the trust deficit between both the countries and put the derailed peace process back on track with a view to settling the key issue of Kashmir.
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Col Bakhtiar Hakeem:
Great are the parents who first win the initial credibility. And maintain it over the years. They are certainly lucky to develop a sound base to move forward. In fact this is the position of strength to consolidate. Weak are those who have to tell their children that listen to us we are your parents. Here are a few more words to help parents to review and enrich their initial credibility.
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By Dr Mahboob A Khawaja:
While the masses were entrapped in life and death crisis, Mr. Zardari and five of his cabinet ministers were entertaining themselves in London Royal Suite at a daily cost of $11,160. But few conscientious British MPs of Pakistani origin refused to meet with Zardari while in the United Kingdom. Is Zardari a fool or a qualified wicked person who does not care for the consequences of his behavior?
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By Brig Asif Haroon Raja:
In line with US policy of subjugating Southern America, a coup was engineered in Honduras in 2009 to overthrow popularly elected ruler and to replace him with vicious dictator. Korean Peninsula was made turbulent and made into a flashpoint. Iran was subjected to heavy sanctions and repeatedly threatened to desist from pursuing nuclear program. CIA poured in million of dollars and indulged in subversive activities to affect a regime change. It patronised Jundullah terrorist group to destabilize Siestan Balochistan.
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His Journey from Uganda to Canada By Susan Marie Idi Amin were president of Uganda, as well as head of military from 1971 to 1979 ruling with a politically repressive regime. Extreme human rights abuses, corruption, killings without trial, and ethnic persecution occurred under his dictatorship. The number of people killed while Idi Amin were [...]
Raja G Mujtaba
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Foresight with Insight
ECO is Pakistan
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