Friday, March 25, 2011

Media Tribe> Alex James--LIBYA circus a different view

The War on Libya is not to protect civilians, its to cause carnage, civil war using mercanaries a.k.a. Al-CIAdah, and loot the wealth of the country while depopulating it. Also, the environment is being contaminated with depleted uranium coating bombs.



Netanyahu the prime minister of Israel said yesterday that the US was pushing for peace in the ME. He said that the whole wold has been blaming Israel for the unrest in the ME but the recent revolutions proved that the US and the world was wrong. The S** did not mention that the whole turmoil in the Arab Nation has been Israel. The Arabs wanted democracy to elect their leaders to mobilize force and role on Israel. Israel knew the axiom of the past sixty years and that is any normal life for Arabs mens a danger to Israel.. They poured the trillions of dollars looted from the US though the corrupted Rothschilds Banking System in 2008 into this stages circus of revolutions. They used a complicated system through Ontology by combining Cybernetics and Mind control to disrupts Arab younger generation. They got what they wanted, a short gap which will end sometime in the near future. Israel should be liquidated with the Rothschilds Banking System to give peace for the whole world..The world has never lived in tranquility since the miserable violent insult they called "French Revolution" . Obama represents violence in an era where the human being has reached high level of mind understanding. Those miserable strata from residues of the past should have been siphoned immediately after the collapse of the USSR..The establishment needs new blood from different breed of people...US can control through its cultural impact not through absolute physical violence..etc..

Connie Fogal
3570 Hull St.
Vancouver British Columbia V5N 4R9


Its not a humanitarian mission because Zionists' aim is to steal Libya's wealth, contaminate its environment with uranium tipped bombs. If it was a humanitarian mission, such bombs would not be used and behind the scene multibillion oil deals between Israel and Libya would not be taking place and Israel would not have supplied 50,000 mercenaries to Qaddafi.

Tariq Khattak,

Columnist, Feature Writer,
Editor Pakistan Media Group &
Commerce, Pakistan Observer,
Ali Akbar House, G-8 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Cells: 0300/0333-9599007, Ph. 051-2852027/8. Fax 2262258


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