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Anyone can learn Reiki and everyone has the ability to perform it.... |
Dates of Session: Sunday, 1st January 2011 Venue: Health & Wellness Centre & Institute - DHA Ph 5, Karachi Timings: 11:am to 1:00pm Duration: 2 Hours Fee: PKR.500 For Further Details & Registration: 0334-3289884 / 0333-3808622 |
Contents of the Session | - Detail explanation of REIKI Seichem - SHIMARA method uses chakra system - Meditations - Balancing chakra - Alignment and blockages - Anatomy physiology - Chemistry of oneself and learning to release from all the negative vibes. | Self Treatment from Reiki | This is the most important of all because to understand how Reiki works on others you need to experience it on yourself. Reiki is a very powerful healing force and if you treat yourself on a daily basis for 20 minutes or so, it is unlikely that you will become seriously ill. Remember that no concentration is necessary when treating yourself, and you may treat yourself while watching television, a show or when you are chatting to friends. It is possible to treat oneself even when reading a book, holding the book with one hand and Reiking oneself with the other. Once Reiki is learned, you will find that you cannot keep your hands off yourself. | LIMITED SEATS ONLY |  Dr. Mubashara Khan Bio-Technician AMD, Alternate Medicine Homeopath (PHD) MPHIL (Sports Science) Psycho Spiritual Therapist, Holistic Therapist Yoga Master, Aerobics Trainer, Weight Training, Taichi Specialized Nutrition Reiki Grand Master Blue Star Grand Master (Canada) Hypnotherapist (Specializing in Pain Management / Control) Aromatherapist, (Medical Aestitician) Drug Alcohol Counselor (Toronto, Canda) Fung Shui Consultants (Toronto Canada) NLP Silva method, Spiritualist / Pranic Healer Early Childhood Education (Directress) Canada | Reiki comes from two Japanese words, rei which means Universal Life Energy, and Ki which means a key or an opening. Reiki can then be interpreted as a key to universal energy. The literal definition is the channeling of natural life energy through a human being to another living being or object, or the channeling of love in the form of natural energy. There are five principles to follow in Reiki for successful lifestyle. Doctors say that most illnesses are stress induced. Stress originates in the mind and it is a product of our thought processes. Normally we spend our mental energy trying to manipulate our lives in order to achieve specific results. Anyone can learn Reiki and everyone has the ability to perform it. The Reiki classes simply bring out that which is already inherent in a person. | |

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