Dear Mr. Turkman,
Its sad to see your mail 'spammed' on a site that you were so enthusiastically participating in till just a couple of days ago.
There is no doubt that you are an intelligent gentleman and put up good arguments backed by your research on a given subject. However, you do go overboard by constantly trying to project U.S. Administration as a bunch of philanthropic angles. Yes, Muslims by and large are incompetent and foolishly choose to live in a fictitious era that never was as they tend to recall it. Of course, religion that many follow is nothing more than a mere accident of birth; as is race or culture. But you, as an intellectual, lose credibility by aiming your guns only in one way. I hold no brief for anyone. However, you tempt even a person like me to come out on the side of those whom you continuously criticize. I, at times, begin to doubt your tall claims of high IQ and the rest.
I sincerely advise you to take up a course in communication and learn how to win an argument and yet not lose friends.
Sarwar Sukhera
From: S Turkman <>
Sent: Mon, February 28, 2011 7:12:26 PM
Subject: Media Tribe> Pakistan tried to exchange Davis for Al Qaeda Agent Aafia?
Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager
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