Thursday, September 29, 2011

Media Tribe> A wake-up call / when the ship of Pakistan sinks, the upper deck will go down with it. / Peace Parliament meeting on Oct 2


Dear Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671


Dear Amjad Alvi

Cell: 0300-9566216

An invitation to join 

The Road Map of Pakistan's Future


A wake-up call / when the ship of Pakistan sinks, the upper deck will go down with it. 
Dear Well wishers of Pakistan and the Humanity

Conquering the World with Love - with a Passion to Serve

This is my Social, Economical and Political Plan of Good Governance of our collective Resources for Common Good of the Nation and then for all the Humanity.

I am in the process of making it public to mobilize support and consensus eventually to emerge as a Fearless and Forceful Political Party.

I shall be grateful if you do not react casually but advise me where I may make it more acceptable and practical.

A careful reading and a dedicated and a bit passionate pondering and then your teaming up to facilitate implementation of my proposals will change everything around us for a lot better to brighten the lives of Billions on our beautiful planet Earth with yet un-tapped abundant natural resources, within our lives spans.

My project is good for all, totally practical (trust me), self sustainable, non controversial and economically viable. We just need a platform, a recognized institution, such as the political platform of "The Common League" to promote my Project of Common Welfare.


What we do not have? 2nd largest Salts mines,2nd largest Dam,5th largest Coal mines,5th largest Gold mines,6th largest Armed forces,7th Nuclear power,7th largest Copper mines,7th largest Rice crops,8th largest Wheat crops, Oil Gas and Mineral deposits ,5 Rivers and plenty of Sea shores, self sufficiency in Food cultivation and variety of strong  Workforce.

No matter how much more and repeatedly we talk and write about what is good yet the World keeps sliding from bad to worse in every aspect, it is like scratching the surface. The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.'-- Albert Einstein

People acknowledge us for what we do not just what we say. We thus need to act, while we continue to talk and write.

Let us thus do our part to transform our World into a Peaceful and Prosperous abode for all irrespective of their faith or social values. It is a team work. Let us work together to re-create Pakistan.

If you really love Pakistan and wish to alleviate the sufferings of the oppressed masses, then please do what needs to be done. 

Let us not wait for some one to bring flowers, let us plant our own garden.

The change for which we all are very legitimately and desperately aspiring shall come from Political Activism and thru Elections Process in order to be peaceful , permanent and self sustainable and neither by Military action ,  nor from Judiciary's interventions and definitely not by Media drumming and Religious slogans.  


None of our current political parties make much of a sense when it comes to handling and putting in it's place Pakistan's destiny in order. Yes there may be a few within their fold who are good and well intentioned. They are also not Public representatives in reality due to Bogus Voting and yet getting a very small percentage of votes from a little number of Pakistanis who actually visit the ballot boxes to cast their votes. 

We thus need a new team of political players, relatively young, energetic and dedicated who are not only reasonably honest but capable as well. "NEVER doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

Please visit my website The Road Map of Pakistan's Future  .

Please support me, join me in my efforts. Join The Common League.

My very best regards,


Shuja R. Khan 

The Common League : 18-C , 4 Sunset Commercial Street , Phase - 4, D.H.A. , Karachi - 75500 ,
Tel : 021-35851239, 35835795 Cell : 00923008271630

Ps: Please provide your CNIC Number, Name, Current Address and Phone Numbers to enable us to enroll you as Party Member. There is no fee.

The Common League

The Political and Economic Agenda

The Peaceful and Prosperous Pakistan
Empowerment of General Assembly of UNO for World Peace
Eradication of Poverty 
Disease Free World
Tax Free World
Arms Free World 

                              Conquering the World with Love - with a Passion to Serve

- A program shall be initiated for Free Medical Consultations for all thru a Network of Clinics cum Pharmacy Outlets supported by Health and Medicine Industry, WHO and the UNICEF focusing on Disease Eradication more then the simple Disease Management to Build a Healthy Nation while making it mandatory for all the Citizens to follow Healthy Living Conditions with availability of Potable Water bottle of 23 liters in just Rs.25/-
Governments and non Governments Employers shall be made liable to contribute towards Medical Insurance of Employees and their Families

- All vices shall be banned starting with Tobacco while offering better and lucrative alternative Business Opportunities and enhanced Export Incentives to the current Stakeholders and Owners of Tobacco Trade and Industry. Death Penalty shall be legislated for most of the Drug related crimes.

Born free, taxed to death. The system of Direct Taxation shall be abolished for all those who earn below Rupees Fifty Million a year in order to attract a massive inflow of Local as well as Foreign Investment to trigger Industrial Boom for a resultant Economic Boom with much higher GDP  with resultant abundant Employment Opportunities.

- Most Governmental Services shall be Outsourced and / or Franchised with Government vs  Public Partnership on Self Sustainable pattern to lessen the burden on the Government and the State with resultant improved, efficient and modernized services availability, with both Men and Women, Human Resource Development, Deployment and Skills Enhancement.

- Indirect Taxation / GST etc shall be fixed at a maximum of 5%. All Products and Services relating to Food, Clothing, Health, Education, Public Transport, Housing and Legal support shall be totally Tax Free. However Taxes on Imports shall continue to be applicable.

- Energy, Banking, Education, Medicine, Insurance, Communication, Transport and related areas shall be publicly owned with individual's shares holding not to exceed 5 % allowing active participation of professionals in the field and accelerating good performance.

- Through an OIC Resolution the Oil Prices shall be fixed for the next 5 years at a maximum of US Dollar 25 per Barrel with supply to each OIC Country to match it's population factor vs. it's needs in order to buy peace and eradicate poverty in these down trodden Countries. To reciprocate, "Economic Advantages" shall be offered in and by Importing Countries to the Exporting Countries in Exports -Imports and Investments. The oil producing Countries will endure a little short fall of not that needed revenue but Billions of people of the World will gain and flourish economically and socially. More over Sovereign Funds of the Gulf Countries are better secured when invested in OIC Countries in Industry and Commerce relating to basic needs of Water, Food, Housing, Education and Health Projects in JV arrangements with renowned and credible local Business Groups. 

- Consequently Prices of all essential items of Food, Medicine, Fuel, Utilities and many other Goods and Services shall be reduced to, more or less, Half of current levels.

- Armed Forces, including those on pension / retired, in return for a better remuneration and reward, shall be utilized for Construction of Dams, Roads, Rail-roads, Housing, Hospitals, Universities, Colleges, Schools, Sports Complexes, Industrial Estates and other Civil Infrastructures.

- Stories of Religious Extremism, Terrorism, Talibanism, and Excesses of IMF and Drone Attacks shall be made History. None of that nonsense
costing Billions of Rupees and precious lives shall be allowed to persist with Empowerment of General Assembly of UNO to account for millions of deaths World over by illegal and illegitimate wars and immoral aggressions with the aim of restoring the World Peace.

- An emergency shall be declared, to avoid losses of Trillions in Production, in Energy sector with mobilization of Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Hydro, Biomass and Coal Power Generation to brighten our homeland and to move the wheels of our Industry and Commerce simultaneously offering massive Employment Opportunities.

- The size and numbers of the Federal and Provincial Governments, Ministries, Parliaments, Assemblies and Senate shall be kept at minimal and the Expenditures shall be reduced drastically making use of e-Government Techniques and Teleconferencing facilities.

- The Country shall be geographically re-classified, more or less, into Ten Provinces, with equal population as far as possible, with own independent Parliaments and Cabinets with Equitable Distribution of National Resources.

- A Reckoning shall be Undertaken of Country's Strengths and Resources , both Material as well as Human, of Strategic Position and Potentials and then, as far as considered feasible, the Cities shall be Developed according to Products Classifications such as Shoes City, Furniture City, Textile City, Handicrafts City etc… with a Network of Vendors Support, for Competitiveness in Export Markets and to Make those Affordable for the Domestic Population simultaneously Catering to Skill Development and Economies of Large Scale Production with Needed Study and Adoption of Success Models the World Over with privatization of TDAP and TCP with a focus on a Trillion Dollars World Potential of Halal Foods.

- Elections shall be held Non Party based so that the Governments, the Cabinets, the Parliaments and the Institutions do not become rubber stamps of the Political Party Heads, allowing only those Noble and Competent to contest Elections who can afford to work with No Salary, Perks and / or any Fringe Benefits.

- The Governors for the Provinces shall be selected by respective Parliaments and approved by the Senate. The President, The Prime Minister, The Deputy Prime Minister, The Chief Ministers, all to be elected from amongst the Elected Parliamentarians.

- All Black and Not Documented Money including the Looted Money shall be legalized without any penalty or taxation and with no questioning for bringing back into the Country for Investment.

- All Publicly / Government owned Entities and Utility companies shall be re-structured financially and organizationally with Business re-engineering to turn those into self supporting entities.

- Support shall be mobilized for Writing off of all the Foreign Debt and an end to Debt servicing with a restrain on fresh Government Borrowing.

- Banks, as far as considered appropriate, shall be transformed into Investment Companies owned and operated by Depositors and Account Holders for funding the Economy as Equity with just very little and essential Lending and Consumer Financing with re-valuation of Rupee to Rs.50 for one USD or Equivalent for other currencies.

- A Triggering of Construction Boom shall be facilitated with an aim to create Employment, Build Hospitals, Educational Institutes and Affordable Housing etc. Real estate construction and trading shall be regulated so as to bring the prices and rents down and accessible and affordable to the majority of the population on easy terms and to encourage investments with change in rent laws and real estate leasing similar to other assets leasing, allowing facilities of Asset Leasing to Pakistanis including those working and living abroad so as to set the ball rolling towards Housing Self-sufficiency.

- A Ban shall be imposed on imports of Non-essential and unproductive articles including Diamonds, Gold, Ornaments, Toiletries, Cosmetics, Garments, Textiles, Arms and Ammunitions etc. It will be made mandatory on Exporting Companies to Invest part of their export revenues in Industrialization in Pakistan with technology transfer on an offset plan basis.

- 100 % compulsory and concessionary Primary Education shall be legislated with all educational institutions to work 20 Hours (3 Shifts) a Day and 6 Days a Week. The Students of Higher Classes shall be required to teach those in junior classes in order to cope up with the greater need of Teaching Faculty with emphasis on Women and Mothers and Teachers Training Institutes.


- Women shall be supported with enabling environment to join main streams of social and economic life of the Nation as Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Religious Scholars, Researchers, Architects, Designers, Equity holders and Entrepreneurs.

- 100% Employment shall be legislated with a total ban on Beggary, with enabling environment and compelling circumstances to make it necessary and mandatory for everyone to work for living and be able to play a positive and constructive role in the society thereby being allowed to turn into a resource rather than a liability. Governments and non Governments Employers shall be made liable to contribute 50% of the Concessionary Schools Fees of the Children of their Employees..

- Jails, Orphanages and Madrassahs shall continue to play their coveted roles but at the same time shall be transformed into Industrial Homes as well.

- All court cases shall be decided in 20 weeks time. Dates shall be fixed not for attendance but for real hearing to make it time and cost effective and result oriented, with freeing of all prisoners of minor and political crimes and all those who are lingering in jails without trials thru a judicial process.

- The Institution of Justice shall be over-overwhelmingly reorganized to concentrate on Alternative Dispute Resolution concept with lawyers to be restricted to charging fixed rates of fees definitely not all of it in advance but half of it after the settlement of disputes / cases.

- The appointments of judges shall continue to be proposed by the President in consultations with Supreme Judicial councils but the Senate should approve those appointments after open scrutiny in front of the Press and the Electronic Media directly relayed live on TV screens, starting the process of such scrutiny with the current Judiciary.

- The Supreme Judicial Council shall be constituted from amongst the living retired Chief Justices of Superior Courts.

- All documentation of Marriages, Businesses, Properties, Inheritances and Services and all other written arrangements shall be done in Courts so as to make it judicious, comprehensive and duly registered so as to avoid unnecessary future litigation.

- Corruption is the core issue. Incompetence is the outcome causing all the lawlessness, chaos and economic sufferings. Death Penalty shall be legislated for all future Financial Corruption and Nepotism.

-All Arms Licenses shall be cancelled to facilitate De-weaponising the Country and by calling back all arms and ammunitions from Police, Rangers and Security personnel and with all the Public. Death Penalty shall be legislated for possession and / or use of Arms and Ammunition in the future.
All the violence all over the World, by and large, is engineered by various vested interests such as Arms, Oil and Reconstruction Industry, under a very few Filthy Rich families in the West and their collaborators. Thus the Wars must be fought to keep their Arms and Reconstruction Industry Running. Conflicts are created and nourished to keep us all in need of Arms and to remain under Political and Financial Hegemony of the West. Oil prices are kept high to keep us struggling for a piece of loaf while making our Economies and Industry uncompetitive and not viable.

- Inter provincial and inter sects marriages shall be encouraged to help recreate healthier Nation, build national coherence and to embrace religious harmony and reduce problems related to ethnicity and religion.

- Thus giving an enabling environment to common men and women to live in Peace, Security, Honour and Dignity while keeping them busy in bread earning engagements in productive / constructive activities, all with commercial viability and making all that rewarding for the investors and the team players.

We may also wish to Constitute a Shoura Consisting of:
Retired Chief Justices
Retired Attorneys of Law
Retired Prime Ministers
Retired Presidents
Retired Armed Forces Chiefs
Retired Generals
Retired CEO's of Corporations
Ex Parliamentarians and Members of Senate and

The Scholars and Heads of Madrassahs

Our Audience:
All The Population in the Age Group of 15 To 45
The Men and Women Serving in Armed Forces
The Daring Men and Women of Media
The Teachers and the Students
The Intellectuals and the Writers
The Noble Professionals of Politics, Medicine and Law
The Activists of Trade Unions and Human Rights
The Imams of Mosques, the Madrassah Faculty and Students
The Community of Businessmen and Women, the Real Stake Holders of Nation's Economy, Wealth and Assets
The Holders of Sovereign Funds in GCC Countries

Demographics of Pakistan
Total population: 174 million approx.
0-14 years: 36.7% (male 33,037,943/female 31,092,572)
15-64 years: 59.1% (male 53,658,173/female 49,500,786)
65-over: 4.2% (male 3,495,350/female 3,793,734) (2009 est.)

According to the 2009 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 60.3% of Pakistanis live on less than $2 a day. Let us do our best to raise that to Dollar Ten per day in the next 24 months.


Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 15:41:01 +0500
Subject: Media Tribe> Peace Parliament meeting on Oct 2


Peace Parliament meeting on Oct 2



Islamabad: [Sept 29]

An important meeting of the Peace Parliament Pakistan is scheduled on October 02 at Islamabad. Decision in this regard was taken in a meeting held here today.


The meeting was attended by organisers of the Peace Parliament including Dr. Murtaza Mughal, Amjad Alvi and Jaweed Ali Bhatti. Members and supporters were also present on the occasion.


The meeting will discuss ways and means to ensure peace in the country which is of paramount importance.


Majority of the people are living under the poverty line and democracy did not get any institutional shape, it was observed.


It is obligatory on the government as well as all the people of Pakistan to strive for peace without which development of society was impossible, the organisers said.


Maintaining peaceful coexistence among peoples and ensuring peace and avoiding conflicts belong to the most essential tasks of the mankind


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, it was noted.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671


Amjad Alvi

Cell: 0300-9566216

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Media Tribe> Peace Parliament meeting on Oct 2



Peace Parliament meeting on Oct 2



Islamabad: [Sept 29]

An important meeting of the Peace Parliament Pakistan is scheduled on October 02 at Islamabad. Decision in this regard was taken in a meeting held here today.


The meeting was attended by organisers of the Peace Parliament including Dr. Murtaza Mughal, Amjad Alvi and Jaweed Ali Bhatti. Members and supporters were also present on the occasion.


The meeting will discuss ways and means to ensure peace in the country which is of paramount importance.


Majority of the people are living under the poverty line and democracy did not get any institutional shape, it was observed.


It is obligatory on the government as well as all the people of Pakistan to strive for peace without which development of society was impossible, the organisers said.


Maintaining peaceful coexistence among peoples and ensuring peace and avoiding conflicts belong to the most essential tasks of the mankind


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, it was noted.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671


Amjad Alvi

Cell: 0300-9566216

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Monday, September 26, 2011

Media Tribe> News--US attack will be a catastrophic mistake-Aggression to devastate limping American Economy



US attack on Pakistan will be a catastrophic mistake

Aggression to devastate limping American Economy

Those advocating attack on Pakistan are playing with fire

Pakistan needs a ruthless civilian administrator: Gen Chishti



Islamabad: [Sept 26]


The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Monday said a US attack on Pakistan would be a mistake as our country is not as weak as Iraq and Afghanistan and it will not offer easy victories to an over-stretched and dejected army.


Lashing out at old ally Pakistan is a known American style to blame others for its humiliating failures, it said.


US took action against Cambodia when it failed to win Vietnam War and now they are planning to repeat the mistake without realising that their troops in Afghanistan are not away from Pakistan, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President of the Pakistan Economy Watch.


Talking to former officers of armed forces, he said that the US military has developed habit to attack small, weak nations but the pentagon experts who advocate attacking Pakistan are playing with fire.


Such policies have already ruined American economy and attack on Pakistan may prove last nail in the coffin, he added.


He said that Pakistan can consider abandoning cooperation in war on terror and offer general amnesty to all insurgents to ensure peace.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that US is directly involved in recent attacks on Pakistani borders in which many security personnel were killed.


At the occasion, President of Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society Lt. Gen (retd) Faiz Ali Chishti said that we are responsible for most of the problems.


He said that Pakistan needs a ruthless civilian administrator and a proper accountability system without which Pakistan will continue to suffer. 


Other officials including Sq. Ldr. (retd) Liaquat Ansari, Col. (retd) Inam Rahim, Col. (retd) Khalid Mehmood, Col. (retd) Sajjad and others said that Abbottabad operation was a drama that has flopped.


They said that announcing amnesty for warriors is in the national interest. The former military officials said that many service members were awarded illegal punishments during Musharraf's era and now they should be given a right to challenge sentences in the High Courts.


India had allowed right to appeal to the members of armed forces in 2007 which majority of the countries have done so decades back but Pakistan is yet to move in this direction, they said.


He said that defendants are not provided record of the proceedings which is against fundamental human rights, Constitution, and justice.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671

President Pakistan Economy Watch

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Friday, September 23, 2011

Media Tribe> PRESS RELEASE--Sindh Forum Launched




Sindh Forum Formed


Islamabad: Dated Sept 23


Sindh Forum has been established in Federal Capital with an aim to bring issues relating to Sindh to limelight and bridge difference among provinces.


The decision was taken at a meeting here Friday. Dr. Murtaza Mughal has been nominated as Chairman; Imran Amin Jamali will work as Secretary Information while Rafiq Kerio will act as Secretary Finance.  


Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that peace in Pakistan is important to the peace in region; similarly, peace in province of Sindh, especially Karachi, is important for peace in Pakistan.


Whole country feels the affects of situation in Karachi, he said adding that justice is only way to ensure peace in the troubled city.


He said that he would try his best to bring to limelight the issue of Sindh in the capital, try to resolve them, and bridge differences.


Dr. Mughal said that policymakers could consider introducing Sindhi an optional subject in local schools that can help bring people together.


He said that people of Pakistan need to know that Majority of Sindhis are peaceful, loving, nonviolent, and supportive of democracy.


Sindhi culture displays beautifully the combination of love and colours; it teaches peace, sanity and equality, he said.


He said that reaction of provincial as well as federal government and international community to the recent floods in Sindh has left much to be desired.

Imran Amin Jamali

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Media Tribe> News--Empowering Saarc to stabilise Pakistan, save us from int'l financial shocks



Peace Parliament Pakistan observes World Peace Day

Peace prerequisite for economic development: Dr. Mughal

Relationship between governance and poverty is evident: Zaki

Empowering Saarc to empower Pakistan, save us from int'l shocks 


Islamabad: [Sept 22]

Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President of the Pakistan Economy Watch has said that peace is prerequisite for the economic development of the country.


Goal of prosperity cannot be achieved without curbing violence in all parts of Pakistan without being negatively influenced by political considerations, he said while speaking to civil society assembled outside the Parliament House Islamabad to commemorate the International Day of Peace.


He said that conflicts, deteriorating law and order situation, poverty, disease, and illiteracy has darkened the whole scenario. However, we must know that a bright future can be actualized if national interests are kept supreme over other matters.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that by contrast if opportunity of building a better future is not availed, economic growth rate will remain below potential and the masses would continue to be subjected to abject poverty, which can fan additional conflicts.


He said willingness of our leadership to devise a path towards peace, rapid economic growth to overcoming poverty is yet to be discovered.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that apart from peace in the country, those who matter should also strive for regional peace including relations with India, without which major resources would continue to be diverted to undesirable sectors. 


At the occasion, former Senator Akram Zaki said that Pakistan is suffering from bad governance. Relationship between governance and poverty is evident from our current economic and political situation, he added.


Amjad Alvi, organiser of Peace Parliament Pakistan, said that empowering Saarc is imperative as a regional bloc also provides a stabilizing cushion to member countries from the destabilizing fluctuations in the global economy.


Proper regional economic integration will provide an opportunity for rapid growth through increased foreign direct investment which will improve the quality and connectivity of infrastructure.


Increased intra-SAARC trade will help us negotiate better terms for common with the WTO, said Alvi.


Others who spoke on the occasion organised by Peace Parliament Pakistan included Naila Joseph Dial, Dr. Shahid Zia, and Sahibzada Syed Makhdoom Abbas.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671

President Pakistan Economy Watch

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Media Tribe> Correction in UNIDO/IWCCI News/Corrected News Attached


Dear All, Please correct name in the fifth para of the news. Plz replace Shahida with Shahina. 
Corrected news is pasted below. 

UNIDO asks women entrepreneurs to explore international markets

Individuality guarantees success, lack of information harms trade

Pakistani women are dedicated, have brilliant creativity: Bakhait

Women need trade capacity-building, Samina Fazil



Dated: Sept 20


Islamabad: The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on Tuesday asked women entrepreneurs to explore international markets for their products to improve the living conditions and promote global prosperity.


Customization can help business women with little finances to run successful businesses while those enjoying successful business will experience an unprecedented boost, said Engr. Shadia Yousif Bakhait, UNIDO Representative, Pakistan.


Speaking at a seminar titled, "International Trade in Creative Goods," which was part of UNIDO's Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme, Bakhait called upon women to design things keeping needs of customers in the mind.


The country head of UN agency said that they are very impressed with the performance of Pakistani women who are dedicated and have brilliant creative skills.


Shahina Waheed, National Programme Coordinator, UNIDO, said that social linkages are vital for promotion of businesses. She said that women entrepreneurs should not confine themselves to select clients but also explore new avenues. 


Stressing the need of updated information, Wahid said that lack of information can prove disappointing for women involved in businesses.


Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Zhen Ye, Lecturer in International Business, said that Pakistani women have great potential and they can dig into international markets.


Ye gave examples of women in many countries involved in international business and stressed market research as well as creative thinking.


The international trainer said that individuality is a key to success for women. He said that carpet is part of life and culture in many Muslim countries and Pakistan has a strong presence across the world.


He informed that consumer preference should not be ignored; this has forced all international chains to showcase handicrafts and things that Pakistani women are expert in making, which is a great opportunity.


Dr. Zhen Ye, said that having a good website is imperative for business no matter what product is offered for sale.


He said Pakistani women can design office products which will be in great demand.

"Painting has emerged as a huge international business but every business women should not design for the sake of design but design and customise for others to ensure success.


Speaking to the participants of the seminar,  Parvin M. Khan, Head of Business development and Training Islamabad, First Women Bank Ltd. said that her Bank will offer all facilities to women to prosper.


Samina Fazil, President, Islamabad Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IWCCI) said that apart from UNIDO other organisations should also offer tailor-made solutions for the sustainable development of women.


She said that local ethnic and traditional designs can be marketed in a better way which will help women in a great way. All we need is trade capacity-building and proper opportunities, said Samina Fazil.


Samina asked members of IWCCI to explore partnerships and ethical businesses.


She called upon government to support reduction of poverty through productive activities among women. 


Samina Fazil,
Islamabad Women's CCI
Mobile: 0323-5343199
Land-line: 051-2252256

Dear All,
It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Media Tribe> PR--US suppressed gold prices for long, dollar hike in Pak temporary: Dr. Mughal


Chinese economic cooperation with Pakistan should be properly highlighted: Zaki

US suppressed gold prices for long, dollar hike in Pak temporary: Dr. Mughal



Islamabad: [Sept 18]

Senator Akram Zaki has on Sunday said Chinese cooperation with Pakistan has reached economic high points but people are not aware of it to the full.


He said that Beijing's assistance in the time of disasters has won hearts and minds of Pakistanis who consider Chinese their brethren.


China, a counterweight to Indian influence, is the most trusted ally that is eagerly trying to make our country self-reliant, he said.


Speaking at a seminar organised by Bedari-e-Fikr Forum, the former Secretary General Foreign Affairs said that Pakistan has served as China's main bridge between Muslim countries and bridged the communication gap between China and the west.


Since 1962, China has been a steady source of military equipment to our Armed Forces while presently they are working on 120 projects across country to make Pakistan economically viable, said Akram Zaki.


However, he said, most of the Chinese cooperation go unnoticed as it is not properly highlighted in the national media.


On the other hand, American economic cooperation, which has seldom served the purpose, is always played up which is contrary to the national interests.


"America has a single point agenda to destabilise Pakistan therefore she doesn't deserve such support," said veteran politician Akram Zaki.


He lauded the Chinese decision to allocate huge tract to Pakistani investors in Kashgar Economic Zone, one of the world's biggest.


At the occasion, Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President of the Pakistan Economy Watch said that our economic relationship is composed of Chinese investment in Pakistani interests.


Chinese economic supremacy and its credit is helping Pakistani economy is a great way, he observed.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that US policy to suppress gold prices to boost its currency which is not working now.


US will continue to print and spend paper money than it could cover by gold to finance her wars for profit but it would eventually result in bankruptcy.


Saddam Hussain had started selling oil for euro but it was reverted as soon as Iraq was captured. Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Iran's Ahmedinejad has followed the suit which has made them evil in the eyes of US, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal.


He said that US will not be able force whole world to buy oil against its paper for long.


Hike in the value of US dollar in the Pakistani market is a temporary development which will be reversed soon, he informed.


Others who spoke on the occasion included Defence Analyst Wajiha Kiran But, Political Analyst Mukhtar Ahmed Tabassum, Zafar Alam, Dr. Sajid Khakwani and Imran Amin Jamali.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671

President Pakistan Economy Watch

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Group Manager

Friday, September 16, 2011

Media Tribe> SBP circular

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Group Manager

Media Tribe> Urdu News: 9/11--USA--Bush--Osama--Economy


ورلڈ ٹریڈ سینٹر ر حملہ کے دس سال بعد:

امریکی حکمرانوں نے دنیا کی سب سے طاقتور معیشت کو بھکاری بنا ڈالا

طالبان اورالقائدہ کے بجائے اپنا ملک تباہ کر ڈالا، قرضوں پر گزارہ

درجہ بندی گر گئی، غربت عام، اخلاقی اور عالمی برتری خواب بن گئی


اسلام آباد( ستمبر 16) پاکستان اکانومی واچ کے صدر ڈاکٹر مرتضیٰ مغل نے کہا ہے کہ ورلڈ ٹریڈ سینٹر ر حملہ بعد سے جاری امریکی پالیسیوں نے دنیا کے سب سے با اثر ملک اورسب سے طاقتور معیشت کو بھکاری بنا دیاہے۔ طالبان اورالقائدہ کو صفحہ ہستی سے مٹانے کے عزم کا اظہار کرنے والوں نے اپناہی ملک تباہ کر ڈالا۔ دنیا میں سب سے زیادہ قرضے دینے والا ملک سے سے بڑا قرض دار بن گیا ہے۔ امریکہ کی درجہ بندی گر گئی ہے، غربت نے ڈیرے ڈال رکھے ہیں، مڈل کلاس ختم ہو رہی ہے اوراس ملک کی اخلاقی اور عالمی برتری خواب بن کر رہ گئی ہے اور تقریباً ہر امریکی حکومت سے نالاں اور مستقبل کے بارے میں اندیشوں کا شکار ہے۔ ڈاکٹر مرتضیٰ مغل نے کہا کہ 11ستمبر 2001کو تیل کی قیمت 28ڈالر فی بیرل تھی جو اب اوسطاً 115ڈالر ہے۔امریکہ کے بجٹ میں خسارے کا تصور نہیں تھا جبکہ اب 1580 ارب ڈالرکا خسارہ ہے۔ اسے 2008سے مالیاتی بحرانوں کا سامنا ہے جس میں اسکے مضبوط ترین بینکوں اور اداروں کو زمین بوس کر دیا ہے جبکہ عالمی درجہ بندی کی سب سے بڑی ایجنسی نے اس کی کریڈٹ ریٹنگ کم کر دی ہے جو اسکے زوال کا ثبوت ہے۔امریکی پالیسی سازوںکے سیاسی نظریات کے سبب اس ملک نے دہشت گردی کے خلاف جنگ میں 2000ارب ڈالر جھونک کر بھی کچھ حاصل نہیں کیا اور نہ ہی کوئی سبق سیکھنے کی کوشش کی۔امریکی پالیسی کے نتیجہ میں اسے سالانہ 500ارب ڈالر داخلی سیکورٹی پر بھی خرچ کرنا پڑتے ہیںجو اسکے بجٹ کا 20فیصد ہے۔دفاعی بجٹ میں اضافہ اسکے علاوہ ہے۔واضع رہے کہ گیارہ ستمبر کے حملوں سے امریکہ کے نجی شعبہ کو ایک کھرب 14ارب ڈالر جبکہ صرف ر فضائی کمپنیوں کو 15ارب ڈالر کا نقصان ہوا تھااور عراق اور افغانستان میں امریکی مہم جوئی کا تخمینہ 4.5 کھرب ڈالر ہے جو امریکہ کے تابوت میں آخری کیل ثابت ہو گی۔ ڈاکٹر مغل نے کہا کہ امریکہ دہشت گردی کے خلاف نام نہاد جنگ جو دراصل مسلمان ممالک کے توانائی کے وسائل پر قبضہ کی کوشش ہے میں بری طرح ناکام ہو چکا ہے جبکہ اسامہ بن لادن کا امریکہ کی عالمی معاشی اجارہ دوری کے خاتمہ کا خواب حقیقت بنتا جا رہا ہے۔ اب اس سپر پاور گزارہ چین کے قرضوں پر ہے مگر وہ وقت دور نہیں جب چین اور دیگر ایشیائی ممالک امریکہ کے مالک ہونگے۔



 ڈاکٹر مرتضیٰ مغل،0321-5157671

صدر پاکستان اکانومی واچ


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Group Manager

Monday, September 12, 2011

Media Tribe> Press Release--Democracy imperative in chambers to promote businesses


Democracy imperative in chambers to promote businesses

Qabza groups holding many business chambers as hostage


Islamabad: [Sept 12]

The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Monday said introduction of democracy is must in business chambers for the development of economy and true representation of the business community.


Many chambers of commerce and industry (CCIs) have lost their effectiveness to families, lobbies and groups that have taken over these bodies since long, it said.


Rules and regulations are frequently been ignored in many chambers of commerce for personal gains which is impeding economic growth and triggering unrest among business community, said Dr. Murtaza Mughal, President of the Pakistan Economy Watch. 


Promotion of the economy can be ensured after free and equal representation in all the trade bodies, he added.


He said that complaints of ignoring collective interest over personal gains, misusing funds, useless foreign visits, photo sessions, visa business and misguiding common traders as well as government officials have steadily been increasing.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that the primary concern of such qabza groups is personal gain with no collective thinking; many have made fortunes in the process while keeping cordial relations with important officials keep things smooth.


He said that like past, all the ten members of the executive committee of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) have again been elected unopposed recently. All of them belong to Founder Group ruling ICCI since a decade.


The Founder Group is being controlled by an industrialist and a shopkeeper, he said.


It is an open secret that decision to make Mr Yasir Sakhi But as new president of ICCI has been taken a year ago. Everyone in the business community knows it before the elections scheduled on Sept 14 which prove the undemocratic and unethical style of governance.


This group is known for making life miserable of those who demand democracy or want an end to the illegal activities of the group.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that a leader of Founder Group has been recently elected as member of the Executive Committee for the fifth time. He remained president of ICCI in 1995, while his come served as president ICCI in 2000. His brother remained executive member in 2005 while his another son remained as Senior Vice President.


The post of SVP never existed in the rules but it is frequently created in many chambers in violation of law, he added.


He said that incumbent Chairman of the Founder Group has served as president ICCI twice, served once as SVP, remained in Executive Committee for six times and remained as member of Executive Council of the FPCCI for four times.


Apart from these two leaders, remaining members of the Founder Group are dubbed as puppets by the business community that avoid going to ICCI, he said.


Similarly, he said that Mian Group is looming over Rawalpindi CCI since last fifteen years while a nationalist politician is dominating Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa and Mardan chambers since long.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that politics in many chambers sometimes take such an ugly turn that Government had to intervene and install administrators as it did in Faisalabad and Gujrat chambers.


There is an urgent need to introduce democracy in business chambers across Pakistan and elections should be held under supervision of a judge of High Court, he said.


Dr. Murtaza Mughal asked the Chief Justice Islamabad High Court to take note of the situation and take corrective action.



Dr. Murtaza Mughal

Cell:  0321-5157671

President Pakistan Economy Watch



Phone Numbers for Confirmation


  1. Chairman Founder group Munawar Mughal 0300-5207448
  2. Sitting President ICCI Mahfooz Elahi 0300-8552232


  1. Former Chairman Founder Group Khalid Jaweed 0333-5195083
  2. Former SVP ICCI Shaban Khalid 0333- 5111118


  1. Veteran Business leader Jahangir Akhtar 0344-5111174


  1. Former President ICCI Shahid Rashid Butt 0333-5132199
  2. Former President ICCI Ijaz Abbasi 0300-85000313

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It's a common platform for journalists and all others who are interested in knowing about the issues that are sometimes not reported. This group favours philosophy of progress, reform and the protection of civil liberties. Please share and educate others. The owners and managers of this site do not necessarily agree with any of the information. It is an open forum and anyone that register can post whatever they like. Mails sent by members and non-members are subject to approval. However, we are not responsible in any way for the contents of mails / opinion sent by members. We do not guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. If you find content on this site which you feel is inappropriate or inaccurate, incomplete, or useless you are most welcome to report it or contradict it.
Group Manager



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